Table of Contents

Terms and Conditions

All images on MK&G’s Websites tagged with Public Domain are out of copyright and are at free disposal. You don't have to ask for permission. You are free to:

share (transmit, distribute, copy)
use them for any purpose, even commercially. e.g. teaching, research, lectures, publications

If you would like to use iamges that are under copyright you have to contact the indicated copyright holder and ask for permission.

All Object Information are at free disposal (like the images in the Public Domain).

Content that was created by third parties and is protected by copyright is labelled accordingly. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, please send us a message and we will remove the content in question immediately.

Fair use - Guidelines

Indicate the Source
When using a public domain work please credit the artist/creator. To let others know where the work or the image of the work can be found we ask you to credit the museum and to include a reference to MKG Collection Online. The more you credit the museum as providing institution the more other museums will be motivated to also share their works as public domain images. Please state the source as recommended.

Show respect for the original work
Please do not use the work in any way that is unlawful and misleading. If you modify and redistribute a public domain work, any changes made to the original should be clearly indicated. You should label the work to show you have changed it, so that other users know who made the changes.

Protect the reputation of creators and providers
If you use or modify a public domain work you should not attribute the changes to the creator or the provider of the work. The name or logo of the artist/maker or the museum should not be used to endorse the modified work or any use of it without their consent.

Share knowledge
If you use a public domain work to generate new work or if you have additional information about it (such as where it came from, its author, content or other possible rights holders), please share your knowledge. That may include tagging, annotating or commenting on a public domain work that is published online and sending back this information to the institution that holds the original object, in the case of MKG Collection Online the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg.

Be culturally aware
If the work includes culturally sensitive elements you should not change or use these in ways that might be derogatory to other people, cultures or communities.

Preserve public domain marks and notices
We ask the users of public domain works not to remove any public domain mark or notice that has been applied, or provide misleading information about its copyright status.

These recommendations are based on The Europeana Usage Guidelines for public domain works. This usage guide is based on goodwill. It is not a legal contract. We ask that you respect it.

Image Request

Please contact our photo management at if you need one or more of the following:

a copyrighted image
an image in higher resolution or other formats
a different view of an object
an image of an object that has not been digitised yet

Please note that for these services costs could occur that you would be informed about in advance.

Please give the following publication details in your inquiry: author, title, publishing company/production company, number of copies to be published/number of visitors to website, publication date, form of publication/product (commercial/non-profit).

Please keep in mind that it is necessary to ask the rightsholder for permission before using an image still in copyright.