Edgerton, Harold E.
Boris Color Laboratory
Kayafas, Gus

"Splash of a Milk Drop" aus dem Portfolio "Seeing the Unseen"


  • Production 1957
  • Production 1977
  • Publication 1977
"A drop of milk splashing on a plate creates a crown-shaped form. This is actually the second drop to arrive; the first simply made a disk of milk. The second drop striking the disk pushes up the crown at the edge. The small drop at the top is left over from the stringer of liquid at the intersection." (Einleitung Mappenwerk)

Additional data

Citation recommendation

Edgerton, Harold E., Boris Color Laboratory, Kayafas, Gus, "Splash of a Milk Drop" aus dem Portfolio "Seeing the Unseen", 1957, Museum for Kunst and Gewerbe Hamburg, © 2010 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Online: https://www.mkg-hamburg.de/en/object/mkg-e00121159

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