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Bucerius Library
Table of Contents

The Bucerius Library is a specialist art library open to the public. It has existed since the founding of the museum, is continuously updated and expanded, and currently comprises a thematically wide-ranging collection of around 200,000 volumes. In gratitude for the generous support of the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius it carries this name since it was refurbished in 2000 in the Schümann Wing.


12 – 4 pm

The entire collection is recorded in the electronic catalog as part of the Common Library Network (GBV). In addition, a systematic card catalog is available in the reading room.

The museum library is a reference library open to the public. Access to and use of the library is free of charge; no museum admission fee is required. The book holdings can be consulted in the reading room during opening hours, borrowing outside the museum is not possible. The library does not participate in interlibrary loan.

Terms of use (German)

The library collects specialised literature and exhibition catalogs on all museum topics: European art history from early times to the present with a focus on the applied arts and design, ancient Mediterranean art, the ancient Orient and Islam, East Asian art, book art, graphic arts, photography, fashion, musical instrument studies, etc.

Gisela Schulz: Zur Geschichte der Museumsbibliothek, in: Jahrbuch des Museums für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, 3, 1984, Seite 313-326. To the catalog

Alwin Müller-Jerina: Bibliothek des Museums für Kunst und Gewerbe, in: Handbuch der historischen Buchbestände in Deutschland, Bd. 1: Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Bremen. Hildesheim 1996, Seite 263-267. To the catalog

Angela Graf: Neu eröffnet: Die Gerd Bucerius Bibliothek im Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg. Ein Forschungszentrum und bibliophiler Schauraum, in: BuB. Forum für Bibliothek und Information, 53, 2001, Seite 386-390. To the catalog

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