Inspiring SWANA
Period of time
10.10.25 – 3.1.27
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Ein buntes Plakat.
Teaser text

The collection presentation “Inspiring SWANA” scheduled to open at the MK&G on 10 Oktober 2025 represents the final step in the reorganisation of the museum’s non-European collections. With a critical eye to the museum’s own colonial heritage, this substantive reorientation has resulted in renaming the “Islamic Art Collection” the “SWANA Collection”. SWANA stands for the region of Southwest Asia and North Africa. This new geographic description of the collection reflects a change of perspective that attempts to free the collection from Eurocentric attributions such as Islamic or oriental. The focus is on objects and their design traditions. Five galleries are being reconceived according to this approach and three new themed areas added. The aim is to present the historical collection in a more dynamic way and to realign it in a more topical manner with the help of partners from the SWANA region and its diaspora in Hamburg, among others.
