Open Call
Call for Glitter
Glitter can be fascinating, inspiring, shocking or scandalous – what does it mean to you? In the world's first major glitter exhibition, we want to show the many meanings and uses of glitter. To do so, we need your support: We are looking for glittery things! Please, send us a snapshot of your favorite glitter object and if you like a voice or text message explaining why it is important to you. It can be anything: a scrap picture or nail polish, jewelry or a souvenir, tiny or large.
We will be collecting photos and stories until 30 June 2024. If your object is selected, it would be great if you could lend us your favourite item for the duration of the exhibition. You will also receive an expense allowance for this. The exhibition will be on display at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg from 28 February to 12 October 2025.
You can send us a Telegram or Whatsapp message to +4917627769698, or email us: We look forward to your contribution!